General terms

General terms and conditions for participation in the conference SERP Conf. 2023

1. Introduction 

1.1 These general terms and conditions govern the relationship between the Organizer and the Participants, participating in the SERP Conf. 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the “Event”), which will be held on The Event is organized by Serpact Ltd. and it will be in person in 2023, unless other circumstances do not require a change in the attendance. The organizer is the holder of all rights related to the intellectual property of the graphic materials on the website such as logos, banners, pictures and videos and is the copyright holder of the entire website content and generated during the Event, if such is created, which is not the property of third parties within the meaning of the Copyright and Related Rights Act.

1.2. The general terms and conditions will be published on the website:

1.3. By participating in the conference and visiting the website, users accept and undertake to comply with these General Terms and Conditions, including through their registration in the website and/or by online registration for participation in the Event on the platforms used by the organizer.

1.4. The purpose of these general terms and conditions is to determine the terms and conditions for the use of the participation platform offered by the publisher and accessible to all, as well as the conditions under which third parties can take part in the Event.

1.5. All relationships between the Organizer and the Participants are based on these common conditions within the framework of the legislation applicable in the Republic of Bulgaria.

2. Definitions for the interpretation and application of the general terms and conditions:

“Organizer” – Serpact Ltd., EIC 202477340; As an Organizer should be understood by all employees of Serpact Ltd., the manager of the Company as well as third parties if they are explicitly mentioned as such, including security guards, service and support organizational staff.

“Participant” – any natural/legal person who has used the services of the Organizer by filling out a registration form available on the website: and/or by purchasing a ticket and paying the fee for it.

“Registration” is an action for providing data by the Participant or a third party in the registration form electronically or otherwise, including by e-mail and telephone, by virtue of which Serpact Ltd. and the Participant enter into a distance contract.

“Website” – a collection of related web pages, photos, video content, texts and/or other digital sources that are available under a common unified address in an IP based network: which gives the Participants the opportunity to receive official information for the Event and online registration.

“The Event” – SERP Conf., as described in the introduction to the present general terms and conditions.

3. General terms and conditions entry into force

3.1. The present general terms and conditions are binding on the SERP Conf – on the one hand, and persons who have purchased a ticket to participate in the Event – on the other hand, as well as users and website visitors who will not participate in the Event. The General Terms and Conditions enter into force and are binding for the Participant from the moment he receives his ticket for participation. The obligation of the Organizer in connection with the administration of the Participants in the Event and its implementation arises from the moment of receipt of payment for the registration – according to the specific conditions set out in the announcement for the event. In case of a registration on behalf of a legal entity, the party to the contract is the legal entity.

3.2. By purchasing the ticket for participation in the Event, the Participant confirms and accepts these General Terms and Conditions for registration and the terms agreed in them for conducting the event, as well as the payment, preliminary program, conditions for cancellation of registrations and change of program and participants, if any. These General Terms and Conditions are binding for the Organizer to ensure the requested by the Participant attendance at the specific event according to the data provided by him through the registration form, name of the participant or of the persons indicated by him, date of the event and after payment made and received by us. The main obligation of the Participant is to pay the fee for the Event in the amount and terms which are specified by the Organizer according to the specific packages and to comply with the order and the program of the Event. The place of the Participant in the online platform or in attendance of the Event will be ensured only after confirmation of the payment for the specific package, in view of the conditions stated on the Event website. After administering a payment, the Participant will receive a uniquely generated code, along with instructions for participating in the conference, which will give them access to its content and the opportunity to participate.

4. Online registration and purchase of tickets to access the platform. Rules for participation in the Event. Participant’s rights.

4.1. To register and/or to participate in the Event, Participants must visit the website and use the registration platform through which they register via filling in the relevant data and purchase a ticket to participate through the platform for online payments Stripe or Bank transfer.

4.2. The purchase of a ticket is expressed in filling in data and by paying and the fee via the Stripe electronic channel or Bank transfer, according to the terms of payment and in compliance with the system and obligations of the company providing security of payments and processing of personal data. The Organizer is not liable for the Participant’s personal data filled in the process of verification of the payment and for the relations in which the Participant enters when using the platform and the resulting relations, as the Participant agrees that the Organizer uses the services of a third party – service provider and the Participant does not have any claims against the Organizer regarding money or other type of transactions before, on the occasion of and after registering on the relevant or other similar platforms.

4.3. After verification of payment, the Organizer provides the Participant with a ticket, which represents digitally generated code for access to the platform as well as additional information for the Event and the conditions under which the code should be used.

4.4. After the provision of an e-mail and the payment of the due fee, the persons have to receive a confirmation e-mail for participation, digital code for access to the platform, as well as additional information for the event and the conditions under which the code should be used.

4.5. Access to the hall where the Event will take place is achieved by registering at the Event location with the name and surname used to register and by displaying the digital ticket.

4.6. The provided code is confidential information and the Participant has to use it only in terms of his participation in the platform and the code should not be provided to third parties without the express notice and approval by the Organizer through the information channels provided in these General Terms and Conditions and performed through those information channels.

4.7. The code for access to the platform can be used only by the Participant to which it is provided.

4.8. The Organizer is not liable if the provided e-mail address or any other data in the process of registration is invalid and for this reason the platform cannot be accessed despite due payment. In case that the confirmation of registration and/or registration for participation is delayed with more than two working days, the Participants have to notify the Organize on this e-mail address:

4.9. The Organizer reserves the right not to serve Participants who have entered wrong, incorrect or insufficient data. Participants who enter obvious and systematically incorrect data will be deleted from the system and their access may be blocked.

4.10. By filling the online form for participation and/or performing online registration for participation in the Event, the Participant declares that:

  • As a natural person is an adult citizen of Republic of Bulgaria or another country;
  • As a legal person is registered in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria or another country and the data it provides is real.
  • Provides the Organizer voluntarily and freely with information about himself, which is personal data within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Law (name, family name and gives his consent this personal data to be processed by the Organizer in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Personal Data Protection Law, for the following purposes: online registration for the Event, creating general statistics for the Event, for accounting purposes when issuing an invoice (only when the Participant has requested for an invoice) as well as for marketing purposes for the Organizer.
  • During the Event, in relation to the other participants will observe the morals and good manners adopted in society, technical and organizational rules of the Organizer for the Event, as well as the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria, refraining from any actions that may infringe the rights and dignity of third parties

5. Rights of the participant

Participation in the Event gives the following rights to participants, namely:

5.1. To get acquainted with the program of the Event;

5.2. Ask questions publicly or anonymously during the Event;

5.3. Subscribe to email newsletter;

5.4. To be physically present at the Event;

5.5. To leave recommendations after the end of the conference;

5.6. To see the sponsors of the event.

In case of non-observance of morals and good manners for behavior during the Event, the Organizer has the right to unilaterally terminate the relationship with the Participant regarding his participation in the event, without any material responsibilities for the Organizer. The Organizer reserves the right, at its discretion, not to admit to the Event a Participant for whom information has been received about inappropriate behavior towards the other participants.

6. Possibility to subscribe to a newsletter

6.1. The participant may declare that he / she is familiar with and agrees with the conditions for subscribing to the newsletter and the Privacy Policy, voluntarily provides his / her personal data and gives his / her explicit consent for them to be processed by Serpact Ltd., the participant can confirm the possibility to receive all current news related to the Event, as well as other events and activities of Serpact Ltd.

6.2. The participant has the opportunity to unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time, using the opt-out option provided at the end of each newsletter;

6.3. The participant has the opportunity at any time to object to the processing of his personal data by sending an email to:

7. Fees for participation and method of payment

7.1. Registration and / or registration for participation for the event is considered valid only after purchasing a ticket through the electronic channel Stripe or Bank transfer, which must be done within five working days from registration / application, namely:

7.1.1 after an electronic Stripe or Bank transfer

7.1.2. after receiving a confirmation email with ticket details and additional information about the event;

7.2. The amount of the participation fee for each specific event is indicated in advance at

7.3. Payment for the ticket is made via the Stripe electronic channel or Bank transfer, in accordance with the terms of payment and in compliance with the system of rules and obligations of the company, ensuring the security of payments and processing of personal data. The Organizer is not responsible for the specified personal data in the process of verification of the payment and the relations in which the respective participant enters when using the platform and the resulting relations, as the Participant agrees that the Organizer uses the services of a third party provider and has no claims to The organizer regarding money or other type of transactions before, on the occasion or after its registration in the respective or other similar platforms.

7.4. The announced fees in the registration form include VAT.

7.5. The participant has the right to cancel the purchased ticket within 14 days from the date of purchase of the ticket. In this case, the Participant is obliged to notify the Organizer electronically by e-mail: In case the 14-day deadline is met, the Organizer will refund 100% of the amount paid to the Participant through the electronic channel Stripe.

8. Protection of personal data.

8.1. The Organizer informs the Participant that:

  • personal data are collected for the purposes specified in the general conditions and are processed and in good faith, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
  • his personal data are stored on paper and / or electronic media, only for the time necessary to achieve the objectives specified in these general terms and conditions, and for data related to the issuance of invoices – for the time in accordance with Bulgarian legislation.
  • his personal data will not be provided to third parties, unless required to fulfill the obligations of the Organizer as a controller of personal data under Bulgarian law.
  • at any time has the right to access his personal data, including to request their correction, deletion, as well as to withdraw his consent for their processing.

8.2. The Organizer is obliged to take due care to protect the information of the Participant, which became known to him on the occasion of registration of the Participants to participate in the Event, and not to provide the collected information to third parties, except in cases of force majeure, accidental event or malicious actions to third parties.

8.3. The organizer reserves the right to provide the name and company (without other data) to each participant for the production of materials related to the event (gifts, etc.).

9. Intellectual property.

9.1. All copyrights and other rights in the materials provided for the purposes of the event are the property of the Organizer or the copyright holders.
Participants have the right to use these materials only for personal use. Copying and distribution of these materials is possible only with the express permission of the Organizer or the holder of the respective copyrights.

10. Inability to attend. Replacement of a Participant.

10.1. In case of impossibility to participate, the Participant is obliged to notify the Organizer by e-mail to no later than 14 calendar days before the date of the event. After receiving an email, the Organizers will refund 100% of the amount paid to the Participant

10.2. A valid registration and ticket can be used by a third party only after the explicit notification of the Organizer of the respective communication channel and receipt of confirmation, which may be accompanied by a newly generated code. If a response is not received within 2 (two) working days after informing the Organizer, the application for replacement of a participant will be considered rejected.

11. Limitation of liability.

11.1. The Organizer is not responsible for refunding the amounts already paid to the Participants:

11.2. In case of force majeure circumstances such as earthquake, natural disasters, war, threat of a terrorist act, emergency epidemiological situation and other circumstances arising from reasons beyond the control of the Organizer, which prevent the event;

11.3. Upon notification of the Organizer outside the term in art. 9 of the general conditions.

11.4. The Organizer is not responsible for injuries, losses, theft and / or damage to personal belongings of the Participant, occurred during the Event, as well as for all damages – property and non-property that may suffer from third parties, in connection with and in connection with the participation in the event.

11.5. In case of termination of the relationship between the Participant and the Organizer for various reasons, the Organizer is not responsible for damages and lost profits for the Participant or third parties that occurred as a result of termination of registration of the participant.

12. Postponement or cancellation of the event.

The Organizer reserves the right to postpone or cancel the Event, in which case it undertakes to specify another date and the conditions under which the Event will take place within a reasonable time. Participants reserve the right to inform the Organizer if they wish to participate in the newly scheduled event within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of the notification. Otherwise, the Organizer will consider the registrations confirmed according to the new conditions.

13. Other conditions.

13.1. The General Terms and Conditions may be amended at any time by the Organizer, and all amendments and supplements shall enter into force upon their publication on the Organizer’s website.

13.2. For the cases that are not described in the present general conditions, the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria should be applied.

13.3. All conditions are valid for online and in person attending the event, and the Organizer reserves the right to change the conditions for registration of tickets and other organizational issues within 14 days before the event.

These General Terms and Conditions have been approved by Serpact Ltd., in its capacity of Event Organizer and come into force on March 27, 2023.